Installing Nginx In WHM/Cpanel

NginX is the fastest web server in the world. Nginx is known for its high performance and low resource. Many enterprises, such as WordPress and Comodo, already switched to NginX as it proves to be...

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NginX is the fastest web server in the world. Nginx is known for its high performance and low resource. Many enterprises, such as WordPress and Comodo, already switched to NginX as it proves to be the most powerful web server on the planet.

Nginx will work as a front end reverse proxy of your cPanel server along with apache. Which will increase the performance.


Latest Version:-


Some Main Features:

DDOS Protection : Nginx will only pass true http requests and protect against attacks like DDOS.

WHM Plugin : Nginx Admin WHM interface will help you to manage your nginx server from your WHM.

GZIP compression : Nginx Admin is compatible with GZIP compression.

cPanel service monitor : Nginx will get auto restart when you restart apache, So no down time at all.

No WHM apache status issue.

No PHP rewrite issue.

Can manage which domain use Nginx and which domain use Apache via SSH.


How To Install:-

cd /usr/local/src
tar xf nginxadmin2.8-stable.tar
cd publicnginx
./nginxinstaller install


How To Uninstall Nginx

cd /usr/local/src
tar xf nginxadmin2.8-stable.tar
cd publicnginx
./nginxinstaller uninstall

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