How to find the right web hosting company?

There are millions of websites and everyday some or the other website gets online to mark a niche for them. There are all sorts of websites ranging from personal to business related and each of them...

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There are millions of websites and everyday some or the other website gets online to mark a niche for them. There are all sorts of websites ranging from personal to business related and each of them has one motive – get as many as visitors possible and become popular. To achieve this, they use various marketing initiatives and spend thousands or even millions of dollars! They may do the right thing, but the foremost concern should be the availability i.e. accessibility of their website.

Imagine a scenario when there are thousands of daily visitors to your website but your site is down for some or the other reason! Will it leave a good impression in the minds of your visitors? Will they come back? What if you had made some important change or announcement on your website but people can’t access it?Imagine all the efforts you put in to develop the website  and due to a minor mistake in decision making your work attracts a negative impression.

In order to avoid such circumstances, it is imperative to first have the best web hosting service because without it, no website can reach its audience. There are number of hosting solution providers all over the world and this domain is so competitive that with some research and proper information you too can avail the best service. Some of the features that you should definitely check are:

  • Website Availability – No matter what, the website should be accessible to people all over the world 24×7, 365 days. Every provider highlights this feature that they are always available and their server never goes down. Don’t go by their words. Do check the websites hosted on their servers and if possible, interact with their customers to get the real picture.
  • Communication – it is very necessary that the service provider is within reach and that too always. Check out the communication tool they use to interact with their customers and the turn around time. Also, make sure they provide best-in-class communication options to you as well like web mail, multiple accounts, auto-responders and so on.
  • Protection Against Hacking –Hacking is the biggest threat to any and every web property. Make sure that the hosting provider is well equipped with tools and security options to deal with hacking, virus and Trojan attacks. Further, do check to see if they are hosting some porn, gambling or illegal sites. These are the hub of Trojans and may affect you as well.
  • Web Software – What if you plan to extend your business offering by utilizing the benefits of e-commerce? It requires additional support of software and is the responsibility of hosting provider to make it available. Some providers offer it within the package while some charge extra. Do check the package options.
  • Website Building – Nowadays creating a website within no time and making it online is a rage. Almost every hosting solution provider gives this feature (either free of cost or for extra charge). Usually it is for the assistance of webmaster to create customized websites and making it online in no time. If your hosting provider is not equipped with this feature, time to look for someone else.

There are thousands of web hosting company in this domain but all of them are not equal. Number of factors governs the quality of their service but most importantly is the knowledge level of the person managing the server. If a person is doing it just for the sake of earning money then he may be the wrong choice. Make sure to check the expertise of the person by firing volley of questions and observe if he is guiding you in the right path or not.

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