Adding More IP’s In Linux Distribution

Many Web Hosting Company providing UnManaged Server counts adding additional Ip in Linux distro as managed service and can charge you dollars for it. To rest that aside we have come up with a...

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Many Web Hosting Company providing UnManaged Server counts adding additional Ip in Linux distro as managed service and can charge you dollars for it. To rest that aside we have come up with a tutorial so that anyone can easily add N number of ip in linux Dedicated Server or VPS Server

How to Ad Ip Address

First, Login as root through ssh and change the current working directory to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts

cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts

Second, find what network adapter is currently been used in your server using the command below:

ls ifcfg-*

Third, In the above figure you can see ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-lo ifcfg-venet0 are shown but one must be your working adapter. To find that out use the command below:


In above figure your can see your Ethernet eth0 is having your server main ip address. So we will configure using that.

Fourth, you have to make a clone of etho and name it as eth0:0 using the command below

cp ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth0:0

Fifth, edit ifcfg-eth0:0 and change DEVICE to eth0:0 and change IPADDR to new ip address you want to add. See the picture below:

Sixth, Now everything is done and you just need to take the ip address live using the command below

ifup eth0:0

Just follow step fourth to sixth to add N numbers of ip’s by adding n number of interface to your server.

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